To My Assistant | Have you entered the To My Assistant contest yet?

To My Assistant

Notes for my future assistant. Let's both of us hope that I don't change too much in between now and whenever it is I have enough wealth and importance to hire you.

Have you entered the To My Assistant contest yet?

I’m sure you’re trying to choose from your plethora of horror stories. In case you need inspiration, here’s a suggestion: scheduling nightmares. We’ve all experienced the hellishness of scheduling, re-scheduling, cancelling, and re-re-scheduling meetings for our bosses. Maybe you’ve experienced the glory of scheduling all of your boss’s hair, manicure, and waxing appointments? Or maybe your boss took things even further and gave you the responsibility of scheduling his children’s after-school activities? Whatever the scheduling debacle may have been, I’m sure you have a story.

Here’s a sneak peak of some scheduling nightmares featured in To My Assistant:

Submit your worst assistant story to tomyassistant@randomhouse.comby Friday, 4/26. We’ll pick the three most egregious stories to post anonymously on The three lucky winners will receive a To My Assistant Prize Package, including:

  • $10 Starbucks card—forget coffee for the boss. This one’s on us and for you.
  • A copy of my new book, To My Assistant
  • Your very own set of neon green post-its with “inspirational” quotes to get you through those late nights when your boss just won’t let you leave.
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